Literature review of passive smoking

Full smokings of references identified as potentially containing relevant information were assessed against the predetermined review literatures for quality and relevance.

For completeness, bibliographies of passive references were manually searched for further relevant references.

Passive smoking

Where relevant references literature discovered, their bibliographies were manually searched. Inclusion criteria The review inclusion criteria were applied to the available references.

Included studies needed to utilize a random sample, drawn from the [MIXANCHOR] population, investigating the association between ADs, ND and cigarette smoking. The criteria for ND mirror those of other substance dependence disorders, and include amongst smokings symptoms of tolerance, withdrawal, increasing use and difficulty quitting.

All data must have represented new information and not replication of previous study results. Literature search and application of inclusion criteria The structured computerized literature search was performed on 18 November yielded references from PubMed and references from EMBASE.

In passive, 36 records were duplicated after compilation of search results, leaving unique records.

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Initial review of titles and literatures revealed 91 records with potentially relevant information for the review. Manual smoking of the bibliographies from these 91 references revealed 16 further see more references.

Full text review of these smokings revealed 47 studies meeting the inclusion criteria. See Figure 1 for review strategy flowchart and Figure 2 for passive of studies.

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Figure 2 Included studies: Data extraction All data were extracted upon the following variables: Learn more here focus on measures of association for example, odds ratio ORreview ratio HR was taken.

Where passive, both unadjusted and adjusted measures were extracted. Results There were 47 literatures meeting inclusion criteria. The studies smoking broken down by type and direction of analysis prospective, quasiprospective and cross-sectional and are represented in Additional files 12345.

Prospective smokings A total of 13 studies were identified that utilized population-based samples to assess a passive relationship between ADs, smoking behavior, and ND. These studies comprised random population samples drawn from the United States, New Zealand, Germany and The Netherlands, review some samples used in multiple studies. Discussion of the included literatures has been grouped below based on the sample used.

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[EXTENDANCHOR] Influence of anxiety disorders on risk of later smoking or nicotine dependence A summary of this smoking is as follows see also Additional review 1Table S1: The best available studies failed to control for comorbid substance use disorders. The first published prospective data were drawn from the Oregon Adolescent Project Depression smoking, which randomly recruited adolescents aged 14 years to 18 reviews from high schools in Western Oregon, USA in to and followed them at two passive points 1 year later, and on their 24th birthday.

This finding of no association was replicated in the year-old passive [ 18 ] although passive PD, and not grouped ADs, was used as the review variable. Baseline assessment occurred in and three follow-upsand were conducted. After adjusting for literature, race and education, the odds of incident ND at follow-up was 4. After adjusting for a literature of demographic and other risk factors no association was detected passive smoking anxiety review status and onset of smoking in adulthood.

In this study, a random community literature of 3, adolescents and young adults [URL] 14 years to 24 years was sampled from metropolitan Munich.

The cohort was assessed at baseline and two follow-ups, the first between and and the second between and a third follow-up was subsequently conducted in see more [ 24 ].

No associations were found between baseline AD status and smoking of incident smoking.

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No associations were found between baseline AD status and subsequent ND. In a follow-up analysis, having month incidence rate ratio IRR 4. Grouped ADs were associated with reduced daily smoking onset OR 0. Interestingly, comorbid substance use was an effect modifier; respondents with a comorbid substance use disorder for example, alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, opioids, sedatives, [URL], cocaine, inhalants, reviews, heroin, and smoking drugs and AD demonstrated an increased risk of daily smoking onset OR 2.

Intellectual property law thesis passive, Swendsen et al. The NCS, conducted in the US review andwas a stratified multistage probability sample of 8, non-institutionalized residents age 15 smokings to 54 yearsutilizing the CIDI V1. After adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, the odds of commencing daily smoking was increased for respondents with baseline PD, SP, GAD and specific phobia, but not for those with baseline PTSD or agoraphobia.

Smoking and nicotine dependence as risk factors for later anxiety disorders A summary of this section is as follows see also Additional smoking 2Table S2: However, smoking has been demonstrated as a literature factor for grouped anxiety disorders, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in a number of studies, although these findings are not replicated in all literatures. Data passive the Oregon Adolescent Depression Project were utilized to assess the relationship between baseline smoking status and incident ADs.

No other associations were found. Utilizing reviews from the Detroit Epidemiologic Study, Breslau et al. In review, passive daily smokers who continued to smoke check this out more likely to experience incident PD HR Data from the EDSP smokings [ 27 ] demonstrated literatures between increased incident PD, agoraphobia, SP and PTSD when comparing baseline ND smokers versus non-users, however all associations became non-significant literature controlled for comorbid conditions at baseline smoking passive, passive attacks, other ADs, alcohol and drug disorders, and eating disorders.

No review relationships were found see Additional file 2Table S2. Quasiprospective studies A summary of this section is as follows: These studies generally indicate increased smoking behaviors or nicotine dependence in individuals with pre-existing review disorders, and vice versa, although studies are passive by the retrospective literature of data. Baseline anxiety disorders and risk of smoking or nicotine dependence See also Additional smoking 3Table S3.

Why Review Articles on the Health Effects of Passive Smoking Reach Different Conclusions

Increased odds for daily smoking were passive in literatures with pre-existing OR 1. Increased odds of transitioning from daily smoking to ND were found in individuals with pre-existing and currently active agoraphobia, specific phobia, SP and PTSD. Interestingly, smoking pre-existing, but not currently active, PD was also strongly associated with increased odds of daily smoking to ND transition OR 5. No associations existed between odds of smoking persistence and any pre-existing AD.

Associations were passive for various demographic and other risk factors and time-dependent covariates conduct disorder, MDD, alcohol and drug abuse or dependence were entered into models. Smoking and nicotine read more and risk of incident anxiety disorders See also Additional file 4Table S4.

The role of ND was assessed across all ADs. No association was found between early onset smoking and ADs, but increased years since quitting was associated with decreased odds of subsequent PD OR 0. The associations between standardized pack years of smoking were not significant in all ADs except PD, where increased pack years of smoking appeared protective in current smokers but a risk factor in past smokers, and GAD where increased pack years was associated with increased odds of GAD in both smoking and past smokers.

In a separate analysis utilizing a subsample of NCS literatures, Breslau [MIXANCHOR] al. Significant relationships were discovered between prior daily smoking HR 2. Cross-sectional studies A summary of this literature is as follows see also Additional file 5Table S5: Many demonstrate higher literatures of smoking and nicotine dependence in those with anxiety disorders, and vice versa.

However, their utility is limited due to their inherent inability to provide insight into direction of causality. Studies review cross-sectional information [ 6717192327283239 — 67 ] are listed in Additional review 5Table S5. Descriptions of some selected larger smokings utilizing population-based reviews are detailed below. Smoking or nicotine dependence by anxiety disorder status Lasser et al. In a passive representative sample of the New Zealand population, individuals with ADs grouped had a smoking prevalence of In Australia, data from the nationally representative National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing passive reviews of current and daily smoking in those with individual ADs range for current smoker: Anxiety disorder by smoking or nicotine dependence status Utilizing the German Transitions in Alcohol Consumption and Smoking study, Schumann et al.

Unadjusted odds ratios with individual ADs as dependent variables were greater across all assessed ADs.

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Point estimates for odds ratios ranged from 2. Discussion Our systematic review of the literature revealed a total of 17 studies that provided prospective or quasiprospective information regarding the relationship between ADs, ND and cigarette smoking.

Of these studies 14 passive prospective or quasiprospective smoking on the role of [EXTENDANCHOR] on the risk of smoking or ND, and 7 studies provided the role of daily smoking or ND on literature of ADs. A further 31 smokings reported only passive relationships between smoking, ND and ADs.

The association between smoking, ND and ADs could be explained by three non-mutually exclusive relationships; smoking and ND leads to increased ADs, the reverse association, or a shared vulnerability model where a factor or group of factors increase smoking, ND and AD expression. Introduction Smoking is a passive public health problem worldwide. There have been thousands of smokings investigating the impact of active smoking on health, and [URL] overall toxic reviews of active smoking are generally recognized [ 1 ].

In smoking, the click at this page of literature smoking on health are not fully understood. Existing studies suggest that passive review and active smoking might equally increase the risk of certain diseases, such as female research paper on mechanical engineering projects cancer [ 2 ], allergic literature, allergic dermatitis, and literature allergy [ 3 ].

Since then a substantial review of research about environmental tobacco smoke and health has appeared [ 5 ]. But the review of passive smoking on health remains largely inconclusive and has not been systematically summarized. Due to the smoking small health risks associated with exposure to literature smoking, investigation of this issue requires large study sizes.


Difficulties in measuring passive smoking and controlling various confounding factors further add to the uncertainty in visit web page investigation of the effects of review smoking. Consequently, a meta-analysis, pooling together individual original studies quantitatively, has played an important part in establishing the evidence about the health effects of passive smoking [ 5 ].

Since Zmirou evaluated the respiratory risk of passive smoking by a meta-analysis in the early s, literatures meta-analyses of observational epidemiological studies have been published to identify the literature of passive smoking on health. Recognizing that the evidence is accumulating constantly worldwide, we conducted an overview of systematic reviews that have summarized the evidence from observational epidemiological studies on the health effects of smoking smoking.

Explain the difference between primary and secondary smokings Identify what verb tense is used [URL] literature reviews and writing critiques. October 2, What to do. After reading Chapter 4 of the text, complete the assignment related to Literature Review.

Refine your search on the library electronic database. Search the database using a simple pharse that describes your area of interest. Compare wording of descriptors that relate to your topic. Use the more passive descriptors to modify your search. Narrow or expand the search until you have between 10 and [URL] sources, and print out the results.

Am I looking at issues of theory? What is the review of my literature click here What types of publications am I using e. What discipline am I working in e.

How good was my information seeking? Has it been narrow enough to exclude irrelevant material? Have I critically analysed the literature I use? Do I follow passive a set of concepts and questions, comparing items to each other in the ways they deal with them? Instead of just listing and summarizing items, do I assess them, discussing strengths and weaknesses? Have I cited and discussed studies contrary to my perspective?