What Is the Definition of Stealthily

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Because as we all know, if something is done secretly, it cannot be called FREEDOM. When you move secretly, you don`t want to be seen or felt. A cat moves secretly when approaching a mouse. Stealth is the adverb form of stealth: think stealth bombers, that miraculous, if imperfect, creation of the U.S. military that was supposed to evade detection, including the fact that it`s almost invisible on radar. It is often thought that hunters move secretly. They silently sneak towards their prey. Originally, the word implied that you wanted to steal or steal something that makes sense: this term speaks of being mysterious and undiscovered. Clumsy people have a hard time doing things in secret. Technology that secretly decimates in the blink of an eye is what Israel needs in the twenty-first century.

The secret causes of his dissolution had been secretly at work for a long time, and his case was finally complete and complete. But even though, thank God, the show has gotten faster, it still secretly sows its stories. He looked around furtively; then he sat down again so that his mouth was near Arsenio`s ear. Gradually and stealthily, the king of the forest approached and whispered, so to speak, in a low voice. Slowly, the guerrillas made their way through the forest, as silent and stealthy as the Indians. When Lawrence brought them back, he noticed that one of the prisoners was secretly throwing papers. Thinner street vendors secretly circulate in makeshift kettles and cook queijo cualho (cheese roasted on a stick). If my broken heart was to blame, he took his bitter time and acted secretly. Use the adjective secretly to describe something or someone who is characterized by secrecy, even deceit. Ninjas are stealthy, move calmly and carefully, making them excellent spies.

Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. Researchers are still working hard to understand the mechanisms behind the owls` stealth flight, and adapting these findings to quieter planes and drones will take even longer. Increase your test score with programs developed by Vocabulary.com experts. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Secret, secret, secret, secret, sneaky, slyly significant, without arousing observation. Mystery involves concealment for some reason for some reason. Met in a secret location Covert emphasizes not being open or declared. Covert intelligence operations Stealthy suggests making an effort not to be seen or heard, especially for certain mistakes. The stealthy step of a burglar involves a cunning or cautious secret. Lovers who secretly exchange furtive glances usually involve secrecy for an evil, illegal, or unauthorized purpose, often emphasizing the fear of being discovered. A clandestine meeting of conspirators refers to actions or behaviors carried out secretly, often skillfully avoiding discovery and in violation of customs, laws or authorities. The clandestine storage of weapons on hand focuses on fraud or deception.

A sneaky glide trick eliminates the vibrations of the fin kick, and a slow exhalation is much stealthy than rapid breathing. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. When something is done secretly, the motivation is almost always not to be noticed. If your cat walks so easily that you can`t hear his footsteps, he`s not necessarily intentionally stealthy, he`s just a graceful cat. However, if you see your cat crawling towards a mouse and trying not to scare it away before it can pounce, then it`s definitely a secret.