What Happens If Prostitution Is Legalized

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How to deal with prostitution is one of the most debated issues in society. Many people think it`s immoral and should be illegal. Others think that two consenting adult adults should be able to do whatever they want. Currently, it is illegal in many places around the world. So let`s look at what would happen to a society like the United States if it were legalized. One of the ways women could benefit is that prostitution can be very profitable. This would help solve a major problem worldwide. That is the number of women living in poverty. While one might hope that women have other ways to escape poverty if they don`t, why should they face legal problems or public shame when they turn to prostitution? However, the legalization of prostitution has had positive benefits for sex workers across Europe. The best-known country that has legalized prostitution is the Netherlands, where sex work has been legal for nearly two decades. Taking the industry out of the black market and imposing strict regulations has improved the safety of sex workers.

Brothels must obtain and renew safety and health licenses to operate, and street prostitution is legal and highly regulated in places like the Red Light District. Not only does sex work become safer when regulated, but legalization also helps eliminate the black market in prostitution and make women safer overall. In addition, sex workers are not labeled criminals, so they have better access to the legal system and are encouraged to report behaviours that pose a danger to themselves and other women in the industry. Finally, the legalization of sex work will bring many other positive externalities, including tax revenues, the reduction of sexually transmitted diseases, and the redistribution of law enforcement resources. Another way legalizing prostitution will help women`s rights is for sex workers to have more control over their careers instead of being controlled by pimps or organized crime syndicates. They will be able to control their own money and they will dictate their own rules and standards. However, human trafficking could also occur quite organically if prostitution were legal. One study found that a deterrent for men who sleep with prostitutes is that if they know the woman is likely there because of sexual slavery, they are less likely to get away with it. If they do, they are less likely to feel good afterwards. So if a man has the choice to want to sleep with a prostitute, what will be the most likely choice? Illegally having sex with a victim of sexual slavery and giving money to organized crime or choosing a legal option that enhances an independent woman? The second way governments would get more money from sex trafficking is through taxation.

Let`s say there was a brothel with a bar inside. The landlord would have to pay for the liquor license, prostitution license and other legitimate taxes. Then, sex workers will also have to pay income tax. Not all of these taxes are small either. In 2007, the underground commercial sex industry was worth an estimated $975 million in seven major U.S. cities (Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Miami, San Diego, Seattle and DC). Essentially, it boils down to the laws of supply and demand. If prostitution becomes legal, the demand will theoretically increase. But just because the need for prostitution is increasing and it`s legal doesn`t mean women will flock to sex trafficking.

One study found that 88% of sex workers surveyed said they wanted to leave the profession. This suggests that smugglers are likely to have their peak if prostitution were legal to satisfy a need in the market, unless there are changes in human trafficking laws alongside legislation. If governments did, then. Proponents of legalizing prostitution believe it would reduce crime, improve public health, increase tax revenues, lift people out of poverty, get prostitutes off the streets, and allow consenting adults to make their own decisions. They say prostitution is a victimless crime, especially in the 10 counties in Nevada where it remains legal. In the United States and many other countries around the world, there is a massive backlog of criminal cases. The judicial system is essentially congested. Unfortunately, this can have quite terrible effects on society.